Main Location: Brooklyn NY

Rhapsody Audio resides on a complete floor and basement in an imposing stone mansion in Brooklyn New York. The space operates 5 dedicated listening rooms, with various flexible systems. These are built around either digital or analogue front ends. Rhapsody Audio calls on many years of experience in high end audio, in all the top brands. This has brought us to the position of presenting clients with the absolute best audio available today, both in sonic terms and long term owner satisfaction.
In addition to our headquarters in Brooklyn, we also provide quite a unique service to our clients across the US - with a further 5 high end demo locations utilising Pilium, Kondo, Alsyvox, Diesis, Bayz, Taiko - amongst other brands we carry.

Diesis Roma Triode with Kondo Ongaku, Kondo G1000i preamp, Kondo GE10i phono stage and VYGER Atlantis TT.

Odeon Carnegie speakers driven by Kondo Kagura mono amplifiers, Kondo G1000i preamp, Kondo GE10i phono stage and VYGER Atlantis TT.

Alsyvox Botticelli X with external crossovers, driven by Pilium electronics, VYGER Atlantis TT or Taiko Audio Extreme server and Esoteric DAC.

Lorenzo Audio Labs LM1 speakers.

Magico M7s with Taiko Extreme, Pilium Olympus / Zeus and VYGER Atlantis TT.

Magico S3 with Taiko Extreme, Pilium Olympus / Zeus and VYGER Atlantis TT.
1 South Portland Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11217
Rhapsody.Audio is available for personalized auditions by appointment only. Please call us to schedule a demonstration.You are most welcome to visit our New York Showroom. We also arrange in-house demonstration packages to suit your requirements. We pride ourselves on impartial advice, so if you have any questions or own brands we don't carry, we can still help you.
email: info@rhapsodynyc.com
tel: 917-363-7423

Goldmund Asteria Active/Wireless